Your Toddler Drank Alcohol: What Now?

Whether just a beer, a glass of wine, or vodka-infused hot cocoa, like many adults, I enjoy a drink from time to time. I also have four kids—four kids who were once very curious, grabby toddlers with impressive ingenuity. Much like everything in our home they were not supposed to have, they insisted on attempting to pilfer alcoholic beverages. I am ashamed to admit at least one of them succeeded in stealing a sip, and that clever lad is far from the first child to do so.

If you type something along the lines of, “toddler drank alcohol” or some variation thereof into a search engine online, you’ll find I am far from the only parent that has found themselves with a booze-swiping toddler. Okay, we’ve established it happens. What do you do if it happens to you?

First consideration: what type of alcohol did your toddler drink, and how much?

As you likely know, all alcohol marketed for sale has an alcohol percentage printed on the packaging. Your average beer, for example, is somewhere around 4 to 6 percent, whereas your average vodka is more like 30 to 35 percent. Note that if there is no percentage on the packaging, the alcohol content is below 5 percent. If your toddler managed to get a small amount of any alcohol, while it’s not going to win you a parenting award, it’s harmless. Now, if the quantity was a little more than a sip, or it was something like Everclear with very high alcohol content, you could have a problem.

Watch for signs of intoxication or seek medical attention

In a small child, signs of intoxication will show fairly quickly. While my children have never managed to drink enough to get that far, signs would be similar to those seen in adults, things such as impaired balance, flushed appearance, and confusion. In the event symptoms are mild, offer plenty of water and food, and don’t let it happen again. You may call poison control at 1-800-222-1222 if in doubt.

If more serious signs of intoxication are present, which could indicate alcohol poisoning, seek medical attention immediately. These may include altered pulse or breathing, vomiting, a dramatic drop in body temperature, unconsciousness, unresponsiveness, or seizure.

What are the risks of alcohol exposure in toddlers?

While an it-happened-once or even twice slip-up isn’t likely to cause harm unless your child chugged a bottle, continued exposure to alcohol at a young age can have a long list of very nasty health effects. That may include, among other issues, reduced brain growth or damage leading to developmental delays and reduced intelligence, memory loss, liver and digestive tract damage, as well as damage to the lining of the stomach and vitamin or nutrient deficiencies, which may lead to other health issues and impaired growth.

How can you prevent your toddler from getting a hold of booze again?

When drinking, try to use containers that can be closed and are difficult for your toddler to open. Keep the mass of your alcohol up high and locked up — yes, this means you should get a glass rather than sipping from the bottle. Keep your capped-cup up high. For example, a high shelf is a better choice than a coffee table.

Never leave partially finished drinks lying about. As a rule, do a quick walk-through after a date night or adult gathering to check for abandoned drinks.

Teach your toddler that mommy/daddy drinks are dangerous—much like you would the stove being hot. Avoid trying to explain that alcohol is not for children. Instead, stick to the drinks simply being a dangerous no-no. Using the same container for all of your drinks can help in this department as you can teach your child *that* cup is a no-no. You can explain how alcohol is for adults and how to drink in a healthy way when your child is older. This information is wasted on and may confuse a toddler.

If you’ve just joined the ranks of parents who freaked out just a bit when they realized their child drank a bit of booze, understand that it does happen, it’s not the end of the world, and it doesn’t make you a bad parent—just try not to let it happen again.

Has your toddler ever stolen a sip of your alcoholic drink?

7 Things I Want My Kids to Know

Above all live with honor.
Honor isn’t something that belongs in fairy tales and books. It’s not a knight’s code in a silly sci-fi movie. Honor is doing what you know to be right even if everyone else is telling you it’s wrong. Honor is standing up for the little things in life no matter how small. It’s being strong even when you’re scared and always telling the truth even if it hurts. Honor is your heart, always follow it.

Never assume you know everything.
As long as you live you’ll never know everything worth knowing so never stop looking and learning. When you’re young the popular crowd may put up the perception that to be intelligent and care is nerdy or stupid, but someday they’ll regret it. Even the smallest decisions you make in life have the power to change everything. Be humble, seek wisdom, and never treat others in a way you wouldn’t wish to be treated.

Everyone has a lesson to teach.
There will be people in your life that you view as fools, remember that for every person there is someone else that thinks them foolish. You too are a fool if you fail to learn something from everyone whether they intentionally offer that lesson or not. Don’t ignore the opinions of young or old based on age, ugly or beautiful based on aesthetics, powerful or poor based on status. Under our chosen clothes and genetic skins we’re all just human.

Recognize that value isn’t monetary.
It’s easy to get caught up in money and status symbols, but when the world is dust and bones none of that will matter. Value the things in life that make you happy, let the things you need make you happiest, and your joy will always out shine your sorrow. Know that without sorrow you couldn’t know joy-embrace both to find equilibrium in your existence.

Nothing lasts forever.

Don’t hold grudges you wouldn’t take to the grave, because you might. The only thing you have to do in this life is die, the rest is choice so choose wisely, love truly, and don’t take advantage of the time you have and share with others.

Don’t forget where you stand.
The earth is our most precious resource. Don’t forget that your home is bigger than the stick construct you own or seek to own. If you expect it to last until the end of your residency, you better take care of it.

Someone loves you.
Finally, when your honor hazily fogs into arrogance and risk floats by in its wind, remember that someplace there is somebody who loves you; somebody that would suffer your loss. Take risk with caution, but don’t be so cautious as not to live.